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1 year ago
POP them Curls E2
In case you missed our livestream yesterday with hair model, Safiyah, here it is. Safiyah came to us with extremely dehydrated hair. She didn't have much of a routine, just shampoo'd and conditioned weekly. She didn't use any leavein and would let her hair air dry. She enjoys putting her hair in an Afro, but wanted to see what else her hair could do.
For her hair, I used the Low Porosity Bundle. We gave her hair the hydration it needed. Overall, she was amazed at her hair and can't wait to see wh... Read More
In case you missed our livestream yesterday with hair model, Safiyah, here it is. Safiyah came to us with extremely dehydrated hair. She didn't have much of a routine, just shampoo'd and conditioned weekly. She didn't use any leavein and would let her hair air dry. She enjoys putting her hair in an Afro, but wanted to see what else her hair could do.
For her hair, I used the Low Porosity Bundle. We gave her hair the hydration it needed. Overall, she was amazed at her hair and can't wait to see what else she can achieve with her new Wonder Curl products.

My hair is my Glory!! •9 months ago
Loc or Lco method for your curly hair
Which method is better for medium porosity curly hair and what deman brush is best.
Which method is better for medium porosity curly hair and what deman brush is best.

1 year ago
i love how you make hair growth seem so achievable
plus your hair looks 10/10 amazing now
plus your hair looks 10/10 amazing now
8 months ago
Question About Hair Care
Is it okay to use glycerin diluted with water in your spray bottle when spraying your hair with water?
Is it okay to use glycerin diluted with water in your spray bottle when spraying your hair with water?
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